Friday, January 6, 2012

M Family

M family added a beauitful little boy to their family and had me capture some newborn photos of him. We also did some family photos too and their daughter, I, is a ham! I was lucky enough to photograph her in the summer but I really love seeing kids in their own environment :)

S Family

The S family photo shoot was at their home. I loved every second of it. Just an amazing, beautiful family. I really dig my job.

F Family

I promise you this little lady is beautiful as she appears in the photos. I did nothing to enlarge her gorgeous eyes. I just popped the color. Where does she get her beautiful looks? Look no further than her gorgeous parents.

C Family

These were taken right at the end of all of the beautiful fall colors at Wash Park. The family was amazing. Lots of love!!!!!!!

L Family

Do they look familiar? I love the L family. They provided me with several photo shoot opportunities and beautiful images for my portfolio. They rock!!!!!!